About Us

Dallin has not only been working in the sharing economy for several years, but he’s also helping others join too.

Our sharing economy is growing every year. Companies like Airbnb, VRBO, Turo, Getaround, Neighbor.com, and so many other websites are making it possible to have a side hustle by sharing something we have.

Cars, homes, closets, tools, unused garage space, office spaces, and so many other items can earn you revenue every single month. A lot of us don’t have the capital to go out and buy a lot of real estates, but the sharing economy gets our foot in the door to one day earn a full-time income with our side hustle.

Dallin has learned about several successful ways for someone to not only make passive income but achieve that financial freedom everyone is looking for. Being an All-Star host on Turo, selling on Amazon FBA, managing Superhost properties on Airbnb, selling on family-owned e-commerce sites, earning tens of thousands of dollars from crypto mining, and more. Now he wants to help everyone stop living paycheck to paycheck.

The motivation for his ventures comes from his amazing wife of 7 years and their 3-year-old daughter, newborn son, and mini Australian Shephard. In addition to side hustles, Dallin and Emily are currently undergoing a huge house renovation. While Emily is demo’ing and designing the house, Dallin loves to drive his Vanderhall.

Want a recommendation to start a side hustle? Click here to start turning your car into income.

Meet the Contributors to This Site

Dallin Hales

Hi everyone, I’m Dallin Hales. My entire life I have been an entrepreneur and have started multiple side hustles. His favorite out of all of them? Running this side hustle blog.

I have two amazing children, Cove and Jones, an amazing wife, Emily, who is patient through all of my ongoing ideas, and a mini Australian Shephard.

Recently, I poured almost all of my free time in crypto mining and created a course for others to learn for themselves. However, creating a blog to help inform and teach others to run their own side hustles is my bigger dream.

You are always more than welcome to reach out and I will personally respond back to you.

Dallin’s Awards and Recognitions

  • Bachelor’s from Arizona State University
  • Won 5 Karate trophies….15 years ago